Alex McCaskey


Plots of the computed potential energy curves

The variational quantum eigensolver strives to recover the lowest-energy eigenvalue of a given Hamiltonian by preparing quantum states guided by the variational principle.  In practice, the…

Nature Quantum Information - Quantum Chemistry as a Benchmark for Near-term Quantum Computation

We present a quantum chemistry benchmark for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers that leverages the variational quantum eigensolver, active space reduction, a reduced unitary coupled cluster…

XACC: A System-level Software Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Quantum-Classical Computing

Quantum programming techniques and software have advanced significantly over the past five years, with a majority focusing on high-level language frameworks targeting remote REST library APIs. As…

Hybrid Programming for Near-term Quantum Computing Systems

Recent computations involving quantum processing units (QPUs) have demonstrated a series of challenges inherent to hybrid classical-quantum programming, compilation, execution, and verification and…

Experimentally optimized ground

Quantum field theory (QFT) simulations are a potentially important application for noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers. The ability of a quantum computer to emulate a QFT therefore…

Quantum Annealing for Prime Factorization

We have developed a framework to convert an arbitrary integer factorization problem to an executable Ising model by first writing it as an optimization function then transforming the k-bit coupling (…

Schwinger Model Dynamics

We present a quantum-classical algorithm to study the dynamics of the two-spatial-site Schwinger model on IBM's quantum computers. Using rotational symmetries, total charge, and parity, the number of…

We report a quantum simulation of the deuteron binding energy on quantum processors accessed via cloud servers. We use a Hamiltonian from pionless effective field theory at leading order. We design a…